Modern slavery statement

Our commitment to communicate, monitor and act.



Fords of Winsford Group of Companies

The Fords of Winsford Group of Companies (which we’ll refer to as the ‘FOW Group’ in this document) is made up of two related businesses.

The FOW Group collectively carries out the business of buying and retailing quality used motor vehicles in the North West of England.

Fords of Winsford Limited

Fords Cheshire Limited

This statement is made pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out steps that the group has and is continuing to take to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain.

Modern slavery encompasses slavery, servitude, human trafficking and forced labour.

The group has a zero tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery. We are committed to acting ethically with integrity and transparency in all business dealings.

We are also committed to having effective systems and controls in place to safeguard against any form of modern slavery taking place within the business or supply chain.


Our business

The FOW Group operates from two locations in Winsford, Cheshire and Trafford, Manchester.

We deal with a mixture of small local businesses, along with larger national businesses in the UK only.

Our policies

We operate several internal policies to ensure that we are conducting business in an ethical and transparent manner and in line with current legislation. These include:

Anti slavery policy - This policy sets out the organisation’s stance on modern slavery and explains how employees can identify instances of this and where they can go for help.

Recruitment policy - We operate a robust recruitment policy including conducting eligibility to work in the UK, checks for all employees to safeguard against human trafficking or individuals being forced to work against their will.

Whistleblowing policy - We operate a whistleblowing policy so that all employees know that they can raise concerns about how their colleagues are being treated, or practices within our business or supply chain, without fear or reprisals.


Our suppliers

Our supply chain is limited and we procure goods and services from a restricted range of UK suppliers only. We conduct due diligence checks before trading with new suppliers.


We conduct regular training for our procurement and buying teams so that they understand the signs of modern slavery and what to do if they suspect that it is taking place within our supply chain.

Approval for this statement.

This statement was reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors on the 25th of March 2019.

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